Flying|Fun|Food Destination Airports!

Explore destination airports in a 5-state area (Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana), generally in the form of day trips. To help you with your trip planning, provided is a day-flyer's quick guide to airport information, dining options, courtesy car availability and local points of interest. Combine your passion for aviation with spending meaningful time with friends and family via shortish missions to small airports and associated cities. Click icons on map or from list below to access airport information, area amenities, photos, videos and more!

Airport Info





 Certified Texas Main Street City

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Welcome to Flight-Kicks!


What motivated us to establish this website?

General aviation is our passion! Every takeoff, vista, new experience and challenge leaves us longing for more.  No doubt, among fellow aviators, common interest stokes our obsession and diversity of experience expands our horizons.  The destination is of lesser consequence - the flight and fellowship constitute the true reward.  Unfortunately, not all our friends and family share this passion to the same degree.  Long flights to nowhere or buzzing around the pattern leaves empty seats in our cockpit and holes in our hearts.  This website is designed to help us broaden the appeal of general aviation in North Texas and regions beyond by identifying, documenting and providing GA pilots with an assortment of fun destinations where a pilot can fly friends and family to interesting small airports and their associated cities.  Based on our own personal experience, we identify restaurants that we patronized, many of which we would have never run across if not for our flying|fun|food missions. 

But more than that, we try to mention other points of interest as well… such as historic main street experiences, museums, city icons, murals, elements of local flavor, and other points of fascination that we simply didn’t know would be so entertaining until we somehow stumbled upon them.   We have discovered that some of the most fun and satisfying general aviation experiences related to small airports and towns (and frankly, in life) happen in serendipitous fashion.  A “fun mission” may turn out differently than planned – largely attributed to the fun and uniquely interesting people we have encountered and sights we have seen… far beyond our expectations for the day!  It is rare that a trip ends without us learning and appreciating… and being sincerely and pleasantly surprised with the day’s aviation adventure.  And while we all have seen incredible examples of God’s work from the ground, the awe-inspiring perspectives that we have the privilege of experiencing from the air cannot be topped.   

We hope some of our passion for flying and the experiences we share enhance your mission and captivate your passengers.   Please use the information we freely share with this tool to improve or supplement your aviation life!  We have done a lot of the homework for you!  Now… select a destination… and take-off!   Flying | Fun | Food!

Steve and Charlie